Shraddha Rani Sharma Is An Actress, Anchor, Dancer And Model
Shraddha Rani Sharma is an actress, anchor, dancer and model. She has been an ex-contestant of Bigg Boss 5. Soon she is going to play an important role in a…
Lates Videos & News Of India & Abroad
Shraddha Rani Sharma is an actress, anchor, dancer and model. She has been an ex-contestant of Bigg Boss 5. Soon she is going to play an important role in a…
The glow of Mayanagari attracts everyone like a magnet, its attraction cannot be avoided. Since childhood, Riddhima’s passion for acting attracted her to Mumbai. Riddhima was born in a middle…
“Symbols adorn our world and mind at every turn. India’s Sages and seers have created symbolic imagery, transforming mudras (hand gestures) into instantly recognized emblems and transmitters of a Deity’s…
~ Directed by the versatile film marker Akash Sagar Chopra the documentary was received warmly by a full house, with a remarkable 7-minute standing ovation~ India, 9th February: Sagar Pictures Entertainment,…
Mumbai: On the occasion of birthday of Maharashtra State Chief Minister Shri Eknathji Shinde Saheb today 8th February 2024, a free grand health camp was organized by Maharashtra State Executive…
प्रख्यात चित्रकार अनिता गोयल यांचा सोलो शो ‘अवतरण’ ४ फेब्रुवारीपासून ब्रिटीश भारतातून गेल्यानंतर भारतामध्ये अनेक महत्वपूर्ण बदल झाले, परंतु शाळांमधील कला शिक्षण मात्र त्याच पारंपरिक ब्रिटिश राजवटीतीलच राहिले असे म्हटले…
अनीता गोयल की एकांकी कला प्रदर्शनी ‘अवतरण’ 4 फरवरी से भारत में ब्रिटिश राज की समाप्ति के बाद देश में कई तरह के आमूलचूल परिवर्तन हुए मगर कहीं ना कहीं…
Congratulations to Angel Tetarbe as she received “Miss International Peace Beauty Queen” Award by Indo European Business Council in Europe. Angel lives in USA but she had travelled many countries…
It was a fantastic night by Cressanda Railway Solutions Ltd (formerly Cressanda Solutions Ltd) at the beautiful Allamanda Terrace of Hotel Marine Plaza overlooking the calm Arabian Sea in night…
In a heartwarming display of communal solidarity, the story of Ayaan, a 12-year-old prodigy from Gujarat, India, has touched hearts far and wide. Diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) at…